Saturday 9 April 2022



Amazing Comedian Destroys Bull#### Blogger.

"People reviewing comedy. Can you imagine that? Who the f### reviews comedy?" Erm. "Who wakes up in the morning and goes,"hey! You know what I'm going to do today with my limited time on this planet?" Ahh...this is awkward! But I get it. And it's hilarious. It's more than a joke too like Netflix. There's meaning here. Just like why I do this for both of my readers. I'm an a##hole. There's no debate there. And I'm unqualified, but I'm not trying to push my unsolicited opinion on anyone. Or pick apart something made with joy. I'm trying to also spread the same happiness on a platform as  small as my...erm (let's just leave that there, shall we?), whilst trying to write something much more than a weekly review for social media traction. I couldn't care less about that. I don't bait for clicks. I'm a 36 year old man. How many people read my last article? I'm not even bothered to check, but I bet you could count them on one middle finger. The same middle finger I hold up to toxic Twitter takes which are trolling and destroying everything from movies in this Marvel age of social media spoilers, to my love for the game more than this Lakers lost season. All because Dave from Delaware decided everyone needed to hear this "breaking news" from him like this isn't still CNN. And apparently when it comes to winning NBA games he's an expert in that just hasn't put him in it yet. Nah! I don't subscribe to all that. I've always loved entertainment and appreciated it (especially in these times) for what it's worth. Even when others fall off bands and stars at a social media distance in an instance when it's no longer "in", only to come back with the Twitter tribute when they pass away. Don't let it pass you by. I entered (not infiltrated. This is not MI5) this bull#### writing game to promote positivity for those who have been heroes, friends and confidants when few else aside from family have been and try to share the joy and recommendation. A little like what NBA and Laker legend turned writer Kareem Abdul-Jabbar does on his Weekend Boost for his Substack account. But for the love of God, please don't think I'm comparing myself to Cap. I just do this for the love. The love of what I'm writing about. That's why my profile picture would rather share my thinning bald patch then my actual face. I'm not hiding behind a keyboard. This just isn't about me. But before I truly sound like this is. Let's move on. But Ronny, I'm sorry. This is for you. I'd tell you to unfollow me. But you don't follow me anyway. Why? Because I'm a blogger...nobody does. Yelp! 

After attending the ceremony for the coming out part of 'Crazy Rich Asians', 'The Daily Show's' very own Ronny Chieng has been on a tear. Like when he ripped into Autumn, last fall. All the way to the scented candles. The 'Asian Comedian Destroys America' special in 2019 was maybe one of the last times we could laugh unadulterated before the planets pandemic. We demanded another like "AMAZON NOW!" And now after his optimal angles were almost unrecognisable in Marvel's 'The Legend Of The Ten Rings' (his slick combed, trademark hair traded for some George Clinton funk), he even destroyed Shang-Chi's back like Harvard's Jeremy Lin did his ankles "FOR THE COMMUNITY"!! His YouTube special 'Takes Chinatown' with Netflix the perfect precursor to all this. This being his 'Speakeasy' special on Netflix that does anything but talk tenderly. Taking it to critics who want to find fault with everything, live from their Mum's basement (hey! I don't want to find fault with everything). But a month after the 'Baby Cobra' and 'Hard Knock Wife' of Ali the 'Don Wong' gave us her latest, greatest special for the streaming service, Chieng has more than point to poke at those who prod. "If you look for flaws, you're going to find flaws", he says and he's right. And those flaws? We all have 'em! That's what makes us who we are and that's the beauty of life. His hilarious take on reviewing someone giving birth reminds me of when I told a friend that all these actors and singers who he s###'s on don't go to his job and say, "I wouldn't hold that broom that way. It's not as good as your old stuff. Your first sweep. Three stars." Because these days everyone's a critic, even friends talking, texting or tweeting. The same goes for those trying to destroy each others character. The amount of times I'm about to see a movie, listen to an album, read a book, or watch a King (a KING!) play and everyone's like, it's, he's s###. Like you're not watching one of the GOAT's not blubbering around on some fake Chaplin 'ish. My fellow critics (well...I'm really not one. I don't write to fight this like some white saviour bollocks. I write to celebrate what I love. Sorry to my subscribers. I'll send two fruit baskets in the mail), don't be offended. He'd give you your ten pounds back too in a hilarious, symmetrical bit...but he's well past that. Like Charlie XCX's t-shirt says, "they don't make statues for critics", my fellow morons. 

Will yourself through your own hubris if you're offended, because between a rock and a hard handed place, this is comedy gold. Besides, what you gonna do? Get up on stage and slap him?! I think not. Hi hecklers! The game has changed now. And comedians are going to stand up for sticking to their guns. It wasn't cool when Dave Chappelle did it in the face of cancel culture last fall, but now he's paved the way for the likes of Ronny who thanks Dave again in credits and stands by his hero. All in a time were the new 'Fantastic Beasts' movie comes out this weekend, as the 'Harry Potter' franchise continues to makes money off J.K. Rowling's stories (even if her opinions are outrageous) whilst practically hiding the writer they didn't invite to the Hogwarts reunion in the same way they blackballed Johnny Depp. But Ezra Miller still has their wand? No matter what you think about any of them, there's hypocrisy here. You can't deny it. So f### it! Deal with what Chieng has to say, because this Brit gets what he says when he goes off on the United Kingdom (but f### know he actually doesn't like it, right?). While the "so American" response to the vaccine is so on point like the needle you really shouldn't be afraid of for the greater good in this masked, mass debate. After's just a little prick. And put yours away after your kind act because when Chieng compares men treating women like vending machines for sex, with coins of "kindness", this is when he really gets into the heart of matters with so much bruising for those bull#### egos from a soulful performer hidden behind sarcasm and "unfollow me" mock angry energy. He's got a right to be mad, the world has gone to hell in a handbasket. But walking hand-in-hand with the one he loves to this beautiful 'Speakeasy' like the ones you find in every corner of the streets of the real New York. Bringing us back to those old Hong Kong cinema memories like Netflix's 20202 'Tigertail' (not that Baskin bull####). The Malaysian, white suit and black bow-tie looking the 'Spectre' spectacle of Daniel Craig's James Bond has a license to kill it with these jokes, as Henry Golding now has some 007 competition. This is a classic. To paraphrase Sinatra somewhat in these neon lights, "Chinatown, that's my kind of town." Live from the Big Apple the 'Godzilla vs Kong' star destroys America again, but this time it goes down easy. Speak on it! I'd give this ten stars if I could. You know? Just like Mr. Bean. GOAT. TIM DAVID HARVEY. 

Further Filming: 'Ronny Chieng: Asian Comedian Destroys America', 'Ronny Chieng: Takes Chinatown', 'Ali Wong: Don Wong'. 

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