Monday 17 June 2024



Duck It Yourself.

2 Mins. Starring: Clarence Nash. Screenplay & Director: Mark Henn. On: Disney +.

Quack, quack, quackery, quack. That's "Happy Birthday" in duck speak, as the Donald we actually like (apart from the Childish Gambino of Glover) reaches a milestone. Turning 90, as all the cards given out from the Disney Store tell us (thanks, Mika). A decade from a letter from the King and he still hasn't managed to put on a pair of pants. And we've asked him more times than Bradley Cooper's Phil did Alan in 'The Hangover'.

Bewildered like the late, lovely Matthew Perry's Chandler in 'Friends', who once wondered why Donald the Duck doesn't wear any pants, yet when he gets out of the shower, he always has a towel around his waist. Wonder's never cease, like why this 'Inferior Decorator', who can't even get the 'Dog Laundry' done (get a load of that) is trying his hand at being a 'D.I.Y. Duck'. Even if it has been almost 60 years since his last short. Appearing in 150 before all that.

Hammering a nail, we all know what it's like when something goes wrong at home, and we all think we're a dab hand at making it right. One things lead to another, and we end up putting the dry wall through as the snowballing ruining of our home, sweet home is like a cabin in the woods facing an avalanche paved by our good intentions. We all tried to save a buck. But really, should we have given a duck?

Fitting the bill in this Mark Henn scripted and directed farce, this is Donald at his disaster dastardly finest, rabbiting on like his luckier friend Oswald who had his own throwback short just two years back. The late, great Clarence Nash's translation is brought back for this testimonial throwback that reminds us of why we love Disney. Because even in a couple of minutes before bed, it still has so much character. 

Like those who live here in Tokyo (*COUGH* Chiba) and count on their luck of living so close to Disney, Land and Sea, those with Disney + know what the real deal is beyond a galaxy, far, far away and all the Simpsons shows and Marvel movies. It's the shorts, like the ones Mickey wears. From a 'Steamboat Willie', to having Donald rain on his parade with more hidden flutes than Ron Burgundy under his hat.

Why do it yourself, when you can get a duck to do it? Even if he is 90, he's still sprightly. Many happy returns and reruns to this Donald. Wish upon this star. TIM DAVID HARVEY. 

Further Ducking (and rabbiting): 'Oswald The Lucky Rabbit (2022)', 'Donald's Dog Laundry', 'Donald Duck, Inferior Decorator'.

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