Tuesday 12 June 2012



In memory.

12A, 129 Minutes. Starring: Tom Hanks, Sandra Bullock, Thomas Horn, Max Von Sydow, Viola Davis, John Goodman, Jeffrey Wright & Zoe Caldwell. Director: Stephen Daldry. Screenplay: Eric Roth

There have been many films regarding the tragic events in New York in 2001 since the terrible tragedy happened over a decade ago but none have been quite as heartfelt and as emotional as what comes next; 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close'. Packing heart and hurt into this hard hitting punch this account of a child searching for answers after the loss of his father is a story that is bitter yet sweet in places.

Favourite Tom Hanks plays the father and with a formidable performance his inspiration provides the influence of this picture even with limited screen time. His on-screen son (Thomas Horn) finds a key in a vase he accidentally breaks whilst searching through his fathers things. This leads the boy on a quest to look for where the key fits. Armed with a tambourine and a last name to go off this shy kid has to confront his fears in a breakthrough performance from Horn.

Along the way Hanks spirit spurs the exploring on as our young lead meets all sorts of people in all sorts of places while trekking round the five boroughs of New York City. All sorts of people are made up of a stellar cast of stars with shining perfect performances from Viola Davis to John Goodman and more. More being another incredible, inspired but made-to-look-easy performance from underrated great Jeffrey Wright with all his restrained passion. Add some magnificent mothering from Sandra Bullock that even rivals her 'Blind Side' and another Oscar nominated performance and what we see is a picture worthy of award.

It's Academy nominee Max Von Sydow who goes beyond words and writes one of his best roles yet. Flawed but mysterious the study of his character helps this films development. Still amongst Hanks and the other greats Thomas Horn leads all parts in this cinematic play. Then again Daldry's dynamic direction from the great shots of the city and the mostly due dignified sensitivity of the subject matter offer real substance. Apart from some ill advised scenes and strange styled title sequences this film deals with it's subjects tragedy with respect and remembrance for those lost.

It really does get close as this film takes it out of you and leaves you well and truly drained emotionally but to tone everything down would have shown little heart or soul. This film shows viewers just what those who lost someone are going through and that is worth our consideration. Sure this film wont help us understand the senseless attacks but it will help us remember and spare a though. Which is something we can all respect. TIM DAVID HARVEY.

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