Saturday 24 November 2012



Ready For Academy Gold.
122 Mins. Starring: Bradle Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Robert De Niro, Jacki Weaver, Anupam Khe & Chreis Tucker. Director/Screenwriter: David O. Russell.

Back when this little blog started little over two years ago, the original working title for this film review reel was 'Silver Linings', until someone scoffed at the idea and it remained on the cutting room floor. Still for every cloud and all that hey? Besides 'Silver Linings Playbook' makes and even better name for the new Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence picture. Fresh off their star-making 'Hunger' and 'Hangover' the pair give not only the best romantic comedy of the year (if not the past decade), but also by far one of the best, freshest and inspiring releases of 2012 as a whole.

Meaning much more than the average rom-com (its more like an offbeat drama) this is more 'Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind' then a Hugh Grant or Katherine Heigel fun farce. Still this 'Playbook' is outstandingly original in its own right. Dealing with the darkest themes of cheating, depression, loss and death with bipolar and anxiety disorders this film magnificently manages to shed some inspiring light on some troubled topics. This writer will be the first to admit that he can relate to some of the issues raised in the film, but then again as the whole picture and characters some together this film proves we all can.

In putting arguably two of the most famous, popular and desirable male and female leads of the moment in the forefront of all of this helps, but it's their performances that give more credibility to this claim. It's real and refreshing that Hollywood would deal with these issues with a helping hand, rather than an outstretched one. This movie moment excels like excelcior. It's one of those films that gain a cult interest as looking real good and then turn out to be even better than advertised. Like the fond Football theme, David O. Russell writes out and directs the right playbook that guarantee's great results.

'Sexiest Man Alive' Bradley Cooper shows he can go beyond the comedy with an award worth performance that brings warmth to the inside as much as it starts the waterworks. Showing more of his serious acting side, to go along with some classic comic relief this is truly his picture and his definitive time. As his character is in therapy and on prescription meds, avoiding jail-time after beating his wives lover he meets girl of the moment Jennifer Lawrence. 'The Hunger Games' franchise star shows she has more behind those arrows with a straight-forward, all-together performance as a woman who has just lost her husband and is trying to get her life back on track. From jogging to dancing, bin bags to Raisin Bran and arguing to making up, the close chemistry between Cooper and Lawrence is on a charismatic high, making this a classic story for this moments modern times.

These afflicted leads have some real affection behind them in support too. From Chris Tucker's favorite best-friend role to top character actor Anupam Khe, drawing smiles and laughs to the meeting of the parents in Robert De Niro and the wonderful, mother for all Jacki Weaver. Further showing the connection he and Bradley made on the defining 'Limitless', playing his O.C.D father the former gangster actor shows there are no ends to his talent. With tears and speeches that would insight emotion and inspiration even into the coldest Joe Pesci characters heart, Bobby may just find himself polishing off some supporting awards. Still it's the way this whole film comes together from the way it's shot, in the picture perfect, close and remote suburban Philadelphia (showing it's not always sunny, but it is brotherly) and the way it sounds from it's real and raw dialogue, to it's sweet soundtrack. As beautiful as it is bold and brave there are more than just silver linings here. The whole thing plays by the book like something truly great. TIM DAVID HARVEY.

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