Thursday 21 March 2019


They say everyone loves a bad guy. Well maybe not in this day and age (nice guys stand up!). But when it comes to the M.C.U. (sorry Magneto. Despite the new Fox deal with Disney you're not right for this one. We're going to leave out the Kingpin best T.V. shows too. And we're 'Far From Home' from knowing just how deceptive the Jussie Smollett of Marvel villains, Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio will really be), which bad guy finishes first? The guy who plays reindeer games? Or the one who likes to dust? So on the Marvel Cinematic Universe's 10th anniversary let's countdown their top ten villains of all-time. Like Andy Serkis' (honourable mention, along with a wasted, born to play a villain Mads Mikkelson in 'Doctor Strange') Klaw says, "let's have some fun" in this age of 'Captain Marvel' before the new 'Avengers' movie takes us home. "We're in the Endgame now".

10. The Mandarin: Arguably the most shocking twist in M.C.U. history came when one of its biggest villains in the 'Iron Man' canon turned out to all be a red herring ruse. Splitting fans like segments of an orange most (including me for about two minutes) hated it, until we all saw the funny side of a meta Marvel that never takes itself too seriously. And ageing as well as this Academy Actor, having the legendary Asian Mandarin villain being "played" by British national treasure Ben Kingsley satirically said something about whitewashing before the controversy in media went social. Although then they didn't learn with the Ancient One.

9. Ultron: Although the "age" of Ultron adapted from one of the most graphic of novels lasted all of a couple of hours it was still something to behold. James Spader voicing a robot and that chrome ass?! We're plugged in. And anyone that can make a Disney song sound like it belongs in a horror movie is truly terrifying. No Pinocchio nose. And who knows maybe this big bad bug is still somewhere on this world wide web.

8. Iron Monger: The first and still one of the best. How you can obtain from Stane when he's played by the one and only Jeff Bridges? If he wasn't such a legend in cool than that voice would have been orchestrated for villainy. And the dude gets all the cool points for shaving off that iconic long hair don't care for his big, bald bad. Raise your White Russians.

7. Ego: It's a freaking planet people! And if that wasn't enough its played by Kurt Russell! End of.

6. The Vulture: The real 'Homecoming' in the Spider-Man movie was the master meta move of having 'Birdman' and 'Batman' himself Michael Keaton play another avian comic book legend, but this time a villain. And that "Dad talk" he gives Peter Parker on a prom night punch twist was amazing. Like his (not literal...yet) hilarious takedown of the Shocker. A bad guy that picks up scraps of other villains armour to make his own suit? You know, like a Vulture?!

5. Hela: It took Marvel long enough (18 movies) to have a female fronted movie in 'Captain Marvel'. It's almost like they think women are the bad guys. But that's not true either as it took them almost as long to make one a villain. Using the it "won't sell toys" excuse like Disney not packing Rey (WHAT?!) in their gift packages for Christmas (coal for you his year Mickey). But then showing real power in 'Ragnarok' alongside Jeff Goldblum's Grandmaster (who is so good we can't even call him bad), Cate Blanchett's Hela, sister of Thor made all that hell to pay. Destroying a whole realm of God's like they were...well, toys.

4. Thanos: Yes four! What you going to do about it Brolin? Click your fingers?! No wait?! Seriously anyone with the power to vacuum half the heroes and the world with one snap (I couldn't even click my own damn fingers until 27...and then all my friends started disappearing (not related. I promise!) is the be all and end all power. Even if we all know it will all end up reversed next month (we see your sequels Panther). So why so low? Well put it this way, you may be the ultimate big bad boss but you sat on your arse for about three movies. So we don't think you really have the stones for this Barney. Stick to farming.

3. The Winter Soldier: Brainwash argue he's not a real villain and the honourable mention of Zemo (like the behind the scenes strings of American acting icon Robert Redford's S.H.I.E.L.D. piercing Hydra man) is and like Stark says I'll tell you, "I don't care, he killed my Mom" (Not mine! Love you mum!). In his self-titled sequel to 'Captain America' Bucky Barnes went full 'Terminator' for the whole movie until ultimately the most really shocking Marvel movie reveal (after its strongest scene and fight choreography with the Cap yet) for those who don't read the comics. And his 'Judgement Day' in 'Civil War' only strengthened his story and the dichotomy of the ultimate battle in good versus evil. It's just a shame that after his beautiful post credits moment in 'Black Panther', this war veteran White Wolf was reduced to spare screen time dust in 'Infinity'. But we feel this once anti-heroic will fittingly have the finale he deserves back in time with his oldest and most loyal friend. Seriously whose cutting onions up in here?

2. Killmonger: In the year of 'Infinity', the revolution of 'Black Panther' was by far the better movie. Just like it's big bad. Who had an even bigger and better 'Magneto Was Right' t-shirt printed point than Thanos. And Michael B. Jordan like his Basketball namesake in every quarter just owned it. Killing it all the way down to the scars to prove it. From masking artifacts just because he's feeling it, to grounding other bad guys at air strips. As soon as he revealed that bottom lip and the methods behind his madness we bit. We were all in rooting for this dread locked warrior and his scene stealing Sterling pops. From being brought in in chains to taking the throne and a last line that means more to this watching world than the whole movie, Jordan's Killmonger changed the game. So much so the baddest villain since Ledger's Joker anarchy, required Michael to attend therapy after. And like the one that got away we still haven't got over it since.

1. Loki: This is the real charismatic power in all its devilish trickery. He is the most formidable and flawed nature of true humanity behind villainy. And this frosty guys half a God. Tom Hiddleston's 'Avengers' assemble was behind the glass 'Silence Of The Lambs' Godfather of puppet mastery inspired. So much so fellow classically trained Great Brit Benedict Cumberbatch did the same this as Khan as he plunged the 'Star Trek' sequel 'Into Darkness' a year later. The God of Mischief's "death" in 'The Dark World' was epic and emotional. As was we hope in air quotes his final moments in the opening scene of 'Infinity War'. There's no villain like the Odin son, sceptre setter for this whole M.C.U. And if you don't believe us let us know if you want a magazine or something. Mewling quims. TIM DAVID HARVEY.

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