Friday 2 December 2022



Noah's Arc.

It only seems like yesterday when South African superstar comedian Trevor Noah was literally measuring up the great Jon Stewart's desk to succeed him as host of the satirical politics news syndicate, 'The Daily Show'. But here it is, your moment of's been almost a decade. Since then, Noah has hosted the Grammys, brought out his own book ('Born A Crime') and had two successful Netflix stand-up specials ('Afraid Of The Dark' and 'Son Of Patricia'), amongst many other achievements that have put him on the world’s map. Now, this November just gone came the third and 'I Wish You Would' watch it. This is why I'm writing this, even though I'm still hearing it in my mind from Ronny Chieng's 'Speakeasy' about reviewing stand-up comedy. Four stars.

Live from what begins as a sign of the times empty Toronto arena for the first time since the pandemic locked us down at a distance, this star doesn't hold back. Bringing everyone together, his accented performance and incredible impressions of all the President's men and people of countries that have been part of his multicultural journey are on point and even reach the Canadian audience ("what are you talking aBOOT, Terrence (and Philip)"). But it's the final monologue in this just shy of 70 minute show of an Indian and a Scotsman that reminds you of those classic Jasper Carrot gold stories that just build and build. 

Noah is clearly shooting for the stars of the greats like Chappelle, Rock or the same Seinfeld he hilariously got in a car and had coffee with in DUMBO, Brooklyn. And like that Netflix show he hits those same marks for the streaming service that shows him, and they are more than just a joke. There's a beautiful message of togetherness in the middle of his coronavirus bit which really hits you with the science. But never fear, he says we all should have one conspiracy theory. But you might be a "gluten" for punishment. Everyone gets it. The mask adverse. The Queen, rolling around with those crown jewels. And even Will Smith gets his licks. But it's all in good nature as Trevor had the 'Emancipation' star on 'The Daily Show' and had a compelling commentary on this situation. 

Looking into the crystal ball of being careful what you wish for (more time at home with the one you love, anyone? Any more?), Noah's precision points prickle with hilarious, "I told you so" moments. So learn German, order Indian food in Scotland and speak ill of the dead...before they're in the grave. But don't fumble for your keys when you run from horror movies. Because we won't tell you the punchline before the jokes on us. Just like it is those who can't take a new 'Little Mermaid' and those called "black Hitler" (is that Kanye?). Just watch this like a 'Confessions' meme. The part two being ushered in for the arc of Noah's post 'Daily' career looks like a successful one. Comedy specials and books two-by-two. And the next thing he hosts, you just know he'll make an impression like Barack Obama. No matter how long the buffering. TIM DAVID HARVEY. 

Further Filming: 'Trevor Noah: Son Of Patricia', 'Trevor Noah: Afraid Of The Dark', 'Ronny Chieng: Speakeasy'. 

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