Monday 8 May 2023



The Force Reawakens From Its Nap.

May the DOH be with you! Ever since Disney + acquired 'The Simpsons' along with other properties like Marvel and Lucasfilm, it's been a treat to watch the never mellow, yellow family on demand. Like Homer eating sixty-four slices of American cheese in the middle of the night. get the idea. Even if trying to binge-watch all 30 plus seasons would be like Homer trying to binge sixty get the idea. Let's not run lines like Bart. Even though I have vowed to watch every episode, every morning on the train to Tokyo. Never skipping the credits, all the way to the "shush" of the Gracie Films logo ID (hey, you with the ears, down in front) that as a kid I somehow thought was the most hilarious thing (still do).

It's especially been a donut with extra sprinkles to be treated to The Simpsons shorts that have nothing to do with Bart's culinary advice. There's a whole host of them to marvel at like there are M.C.U ones. Curating even more classic cameos from musical guests like Billie Eilish ('When Billy Met Lisa'), Bad Bunny ('Te Deseo Lo Mejor') and the Bocellis ('Feliz Navidad'). There's been superheroes, Disney Princesses ('Welcome To The Club') and mice, oh my! There's been genius titles ('The Good, The Bart and The Loki') from a show that's still coming up with fresh ones and new couch gags, even when chasing down an 800 episode run. The world's most famous family even celebrated Mickey's 'Plusaversary'). All this and they can't even get their own tile, hey?

Yet in a galaxy far, far away they've really hit the hyperdrive collaboration. Maggie Simpson has already had a couple of her own short naps ('The Longest Daycare' and the 'Playdate With Destiny'), but after 'The Force Awakens From Its Nap', the dummy is put back in the droids you were looking for with the genius named 'Rogue Not Quite One' (we told you about the titles). Even though she's been going on one for 30 years. Marking May 4th like a Justin Timberlake meme. Quaint comic genius in the way they move in silence like the Disney shorts of the 1920s. Roaring back to life like 'Oswald The Lucky Rabbit' for this century anniversary. 

Awoken alongside the debut of season two of Star Wars' 'Visions', taking the Japanese anime around the rest of the third rock from the sun. Now that the third go round of 'The Mandalorian' has come to a close with the child, you can find him and Grogu here for Marge's kid as cute as Baby Yoda. That's all we'll reveal before bassinets turn into fighters that will hit you with more from the streams, all the way to the classic closing credits like Mando concept art. Showing you 'The Simpsons' like you've never seen them before in a force of crossover caricature captures. The Simpsons have even more harvest when it comes to Star Wars than the blue 'Family Guy'. Now we can't wait for AnDOH! TIM DAVID HARVEY.

Further Shorts To Eat: 'Maggie Simpson In "The Force Awakens From Its Nap"', 'Maggie Simpson In "Playdate With Destiny"', 'Maggie Simpson in "The Longest Daycare"'.

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