Sunday 5 November 2023



Date Day. 

8 Mins. Starring: Ed Asner & Bob Peterson. Screenplay: Bob Peterson. Director: Bob Peterson. On: Disney +.

Get 'Up' on this! With the fire of the Summer scorching smash 'Elemental', now literally streaming on Disney + this week (along with the Halloween hallmarks of the 'Haunted Mansion' reboot and Poirot's 'A Haunting In Venice'), comes the traditional Pixar short classic that preceded it. 'Carl's Date', a special episode of the successful 'Dug Days' short spin-off series from the undeniable 'Up' classic. One of Disney's best movies in the century their celebrating this calendar. 

Mark this date with Carl in the little black book that is your diary, but don't colour your hair that way...because you'll be about as impressed as people are with my comb-over. Still, 'Carl's Date's' is as iconic as the 'Up' intro, which back in 2009, left not a dry eye in the theatre behind those, back then, relatively new Roy Orbison 3D glasses. Yet, more healing, than heartbreaking, even though we know who will always be Carl's girl. You see, Mr. Fredrickson has a date with a lady down the street after receiving a phone call from her regarding some lovesick puppies she a box, ready to giveaway like her heart to this sweet old man in Chicago Cub announcer glasses.

The late, great Ed Asner's voice stirs us again like signing off with this show of shorts as inspired as the 'Monsters At Work', or all that's in 'Toy Story's' chest. Just like the amazing Asner did as a miniseries Emmy winner in both 'Rich Man, Poor Man' and 'Roots'. Here's a guy who voiced both J. Jonah Jameson and Uncle Ben in 'Spider-Man' shows (we told you he was amazing). Not to mention playing Santa Claus in many a Christmas movie. Spectacular. Scripted, directed and voiced by 'Finding Nemo', 'Cars 3' and 'Forky Asks A Question' (I have one, why are you so forkin' amazing? Pardon my plastic silverware) writer Bob Peterson, digging deep as everyone's favourite pooch, these 'Dug Days' everybody has our perfect for the afternoon viewing before your nap. Slip into these comfortable shoes and experience this eight-minute wonder you'll keep circling back too...and not because you keep forgetting your glasses. This is a date with more than destiny...but a love kept alive, even in the dog days of our lost love and broken hearts. This Autumn, after Halloween, what a treat to end the week. Set the date. TIM DAVID HARVEY.

Further Filming: 'Up', 'Elemental', 'Monsters At Work'.

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