Saturday 26 May 2012



Back In Black.

115 Minutes. Starring: Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin, Jemaine Clement, Michael Stuhlbarg & Emma Thompson. Director: Barry Sonnenfeld. Screenplay: Etan Cohen

Here come the MIB. Will Smith, Tommy Lee Jones and one more recruit suit and shade up to defend the world against the worst scum of the universe once again. The 'Men In Black' are back. After a classic first installment to the series and a fun sequel that entertained-despite critics calling for the neuralyser-comes the third part of the trilogy 'Men In Black 3'. It's time for that music, that writing, those sunglasses and those suits one more time as one of modern Hollywood's favorite franchises is back after a decade lost in space and time.

How good it is to have them back too. What once was a fresh take on both alien and 'buddy cop' movies still feels fondly familiar after all these years. That's what you get when you take the chalk and cheese partnership of the charming and charismatic Will Smith (Agent J) and the genuine and deadpan Tommy Lee Jones (Agent K) with all their chemistry. The smiles and laughs keep coming even in the shorter time Lee Jones and Smith have together. It's all written so well by a Cohen brother (Ethan) and directed once again by Barry Sonnenfeld.

Now that wasn't a spoiler. Everyone knows this film is about Josh Brolin. Josh Brolin? Yep, that's right the seriously sublime actor from 'No Country For Old Men', 'True Grit' and 'Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps' has more than just a funny bone to tickle...seriously. Let's back track a little and hop in a Delorean because just like 'Back To The Future' this film takes you through time. GREAT SCOTT MARTY someone has gone back in time and killed Agent K! So it's up to Agent J to take his own Quantum Leap to get his partner back.

So after a cool IMAX/3D looking time jump, that sky scrapes through prehistoric and turning points in American history 'Big Will's' Agent J is shot back to the sixties and all its classic fashion and feel. Here's where Josh Brolin comes into play, AKA a young Agent K. The only thing better than the classic, look and feel of this movie going back to its origins is Brolin's interpretation of Tommy Lee Jones character. It's more than an impression. It's an inspired imitation with added Brolin charm and deadpan handed down from Jones. From every annunciation to every mannerism Brolin is pitch, poise and performance perfect. Nobody else could have done it like him, you'll almost think he's dubbed, you forget it's Josh and not Tommy. He's this franchises ace in the hole. He steals the show while borrowing a character.

Will Smith and the boys in black still make this film look good, far from old and busted. Even if you know what to expect, funny looking aliens, cool space gadgets this film is still warmly welcome. Even if a few old faces are missing, some favorite characters are back along with new heroes, villains and a Pussycat Doll. Funny for all the family and with entertaining action and adventure this is one Friday film escape that takes you out of this world. Add some Andy Warhol, Bill Hader and Will Arnett musings, sixties space expedition, a thrilling climax and even some heart moving matters (who would of thought a box of tissues would be needed?) and you have one shade and suits story you won't want to forget. Save the neuralyser. This series is back with a flash. Black is back. It never goes out of style. TIM DAVID HARVEY.

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